Ball of Nothing

Chapter 576: Lycantopia Unite!

With King Sharo\'s guidance, Zero accurately advised the clueless werebeasts how they could rebuild their country and improve it. The caste system was abolished, and citizens were now free to choose their jobs according to their skills and talent.

The wall was partially rebuilt, and by now, there were more tents and temporary shelters to house the young and sick. The militia efforts helped a lot and King Gaon\'s newly put together battalion trained hard. With strategies provided by King Sharo, Rachel sat down every evening to run through various strategies with the military advisors. King Gaon learned quickly, and Zero taught him how to play chess as part of the king\'s simulation training.

The dragon never returned, and most citizens were starting to settle down into their new lives with the improved situation. King Gaon and his ministers refused to take the peace for granted and continued to work hard. Ever since duties and teams were formed, the carnivores were starting to feel slightly better. They had a steady supply of meat from the team sent to hunt and a working logistic support system. The horse clan volunteered to pull the wagons of hunted meat back for the hunters, so the trip to the forest took less time.

All was well, but King Gaon couldn\'t shake the uneasy feeling off.


Stunned at how quickly he lost this game with the Messiah, King Gaon dropped the pawn in his hand.

"That was fast," he admitted.

Zero tidied the board game. "You seem a little distracted lately, King Gaon. What\'s the matter? Is the progression not to your liking?"

The werebeast hummed. "It\'s going very well thanks to your guidance, Messiah. It\'s just that things are a little too quiet on Queen Leah\'s side. The water has started to calm down a little, but the port is still destroyed. We have not heard any news from those sent on a voyage either. At the same time, the walls facing the sea aren\'t fixed. We\'re still in a very vulnerable position despite all the measures with the militia and battalion in training."

Zero agreed. They put in a lot of effort to help Lycantopia get back on its feet, but the country was far from prospering. Many important infrastructures were destroyed by the dragon. While Altear wasn\'t hostile, the same cannot be said about Indra Seagloo.

Zero was about to suggest going for a walk to see how the civilians were doing when a messenger came running into the tent, breathless.

"My king! Indra Seagloo is attacking!"

King Gaon sprung to his feet with no time to waste, and Zero grabbed Staff Sharo before running behind the lion werebeast.

"Report the situation! Who is holding them back?"

The messenger bird beastman flew as King Gaon ran. Zero had to use magic to boost his speed, or he would be left behind.

"They attacked from the north and are raiding the farms! The militia spotted them first and are helping the farmers evacuate. We heard the alarm sound, and the battalion is already on its way with General Matcha in the lead!"

General Matcha was a silver wolf beastman who was once a mercenary before settling down in Lycantopia, marrying a sheep beast lady. The man was good at tactics, and Zero felt reassured that he was leading the main force.

"What about the magician teams?" Zero asked.

The messenger replied that the aerial magicians were busy creating a diversion. The earth magicians also started putting up the defence walls as practised.

"Who is attacking us?" King Gaon asked. By now, they were able to see the shore.

"It\'s a combined attack by the swordfishes and the flying fishes. Strangely, the Kraken is nowhere to be seen. However, there are electrical jellyfishes in the water. A few of the patrolling guards caught up in the water attack have been immobilised by their stun."

Zero raised his brow. For a group of sea thugs, they were very well coordinated. The Kraken wasn\'t around so the werebeasts should be able to handle the situation as rehearsed. However, the electrical jellyfishes were not factored for. The doctor couldn\'t help but worry slightly.

King Gaon arrived swiftly at the scene where the flying fishes were attacking his civilians. The battalion, led by General Matcha, found valiantly and stopped them in their tracks. The aerial magicians prevented them from moving further inland. Simultaneously, the archers took shots at the helpless swordfishes stuck on the earth wall barrier. Zero analysed the situation and smiled. They were learning very quickly.

"Healer!" someone from the shores yelled, and the medical team arrived swiftly to attend to the stunned warriors from the long tentacle attacks of the elusive jellyfishes.

King Gaon checked in with general Matcha and was surprised that the death count remained at zero although there were casualties.

"My King, your orders please!"

King Gaon took one look at the attacking force from Indra Seagloo and roared. His roar was imbued with magic that boosted the morale of his citizens and struck fear into enemies. Zero shivered delightedly at the raw power of this charismatic king, and King Sharo couldn\'t help but admire it too.

"Lycantopia unite! Chase these invaders out of our territory! Show them no mercy!"

The yells of bravery from the werebeasts resounded so loudly that the citizens back at the temporary camp could hear them. In response, they started to yell back and spurred their loved ones fighting for their country.

Zero wasn\'t expecting for the untrained civilians to march over to the temporary walls. They stood at the walls in one impressive barricade. It didn\'t matter how large or small they were if they were herbivores or carnivores. Even the weak and young stood proudly by the mud-brick walls, hurling stones at the flying fishes from that distance and cheering the warriors on.

King Sharo felt his heart stir. This was what it meant to be loved by the people, and King Sharo had to admit. He was envious of the foolish werebeast king for having such wonderful citizens.

"It\'s not just that," Zero corrected the elven king. "It is also part of King Gaon\'s leadership that inspired the citizens to act in such a manner. If he didn\'t give it his all to protect them and make their lives better, they wouldn\'t be willing to put their lives on the line to protect him. Kindness works both ways, but someone has to first open their heart for others to return these feelings."

The battle between werebeasts and sea folks lasted many hours. By the time the sun was setting, the sea folks were forced to admit that the werebeasts have changed. They were no longer easily distracted and fooled. No amount of tricks and diversion worked. These werebeasts were now united like a single brain and had no openings for the sea folks to take advantage of.

King Sharo and Zero stood at the sidelines. They watched as Lycantopia slowly took steps to reclaim their territory while the sea thugs lost their footing. Each time a flying fish warrior was killed in battle or a swordfish shot by the archers, they were forced to retreat one step backwards until all that was left behind them was the sea that they came from.

The sun dipped below the horizon just as the werebeasts declared victory. With their cohesive teamwork and new strategies, King Gaon teared up. For the first time since he took on the mantle, he didn\'t have to lose a single person in a battle.

The crowd was silent as King Gaon turned to them. He slowly raised his sword high into the air and declared with a roar that stirred everyone\'s hearts for the second time that day.


Needless to say, the cheer that followed rivalled the passionate feelings of those who were glad to be a part of Lycantopia.

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