The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 88 - Partition

Syryn was upset. He wanted to give in to his sadness, to scream and plead at Magnus not to leave. The fire mage was his first real friend in his new life. It wasn\'t fair for him to leave after getting so deep under Syryn\'s skin.

"I\'ll come back home one day." Magnus ruffled the top of Syryn\'s hair. "You dont have to look so morose, Ryn."

Syryn had the crazy idea of confining Magnus inside their home. He could use a really thick metal chain that even a shapeshifter would have difficulty with. And then what? He asked himself.

"I\'m not sad. I won\'t miss a lazy tenant like you who hardly contributes to home maintenance," Syryn replied with a snort. "Good riddance."

"But I\'ll miss you and your delicious potions." Magnus smiled and it was one of those rare honest smiles that he didn\'t just wear on his face like it was pasted on.

"Then don\'t leave. Where are you going anyway?"

"I\'m heading North. That\'s where I last heard about sightings of my father, or at least the person I think is my father."

In the distance, Rowan began heading towards them.

"You told me your father was dead."

Magnus shrugged, "I wrote a letter to my mother and asked her for the truth. It\'s thanks to you, by the way, that my suspicions were stoked." So it was Syryn\'s fault then that Magnus was leaving. It was during their first real conversation about each other that the alchemist had prodded into Magnus\' parentage.

"So what is the truth?" Syryn watched Rowan noticing Lucien. A flash of something dark sprang to life on the blond\'s face but it was erased just as quickly.

"My deadbeat father abandoned mom when she was pregnant with me. Not a single explanation nor a goodbye. He was just gone one day. I have hated him since I found out about it," Magnus looked beyond Syryn like he was remembering something ugly. "I know it\'s harsh to say that about someone I\'ve never met but if he hadn\'t left, we could have maybe salvaged what was left after my grandfather\'s death."

Rojan\'s assassination at the hands of Alamandra\'s family had led to a change in the hands that held power. Magnus hadn\'t just lost his near and dear ones, he had become a criminal in his own kingdom. The assassination had been justified with lies about Rojan\'s corruption and misdemeanours. In one fell stroke, they\'d lost everything. It had been his grandfather\'s fault for trusting Falk as much as he did.

"You want to reclaim what rightfully belongs to you." Syryn wanted to help if Magnus would accept it.

"No," the fire mage replied. "I want to punish the people who killed my family. I will free my mother or die trying to make it happen. And for that, I need to grow stronger."

"Your conviction is admirable. I think it\'s interesting though that you nearly got yourself killed at the hands of skin collectors." It seemed strange to Syryn that Magnus would put his life at stake when he had so much to accomplish.

The fire mage leaned his head against the wall, thinking, formulating an explanation without having to go into why he had so little self-preservation. In the end, he decided to honestly tell him about it.

"I had an older brother, and I watched him die in front of my eyes, Syryn. I was helpless. I know I couldn\'t have done anything." Black fire engulfed his hand as Magnus stared at his palm. "It was a defining moment of my childhood. I can\'t have it happen again. I will never stand by and watch someone else die if I can help it. And you know, back then, I had little hope for myself or my mother. Meeting you changed that, Ryn."

Syryn tore his worried gaze away from where Rowan was talking to Lucien. "Me? All I did was make you suspicious about your dad."

Magnus fondly smiled at the clueless alchemist. Syryn\'s gaze on him had always unwaveringly been one of affection. A sense of dependence also underlined their interactions and it gave Magnus the impression that Syryn sheltered under him. It was absurd. The half-demon was much stronger than the fire mage so why would Syryn depend on him? But if it was true, it meant that Magnus wasn\'t just a lost boat afloat on waves that took him where they wanted to go. Faith in oneself, on one\'s own power, were fickle things, Magnus had decided. But he could trust the faith that Syryn seemed to have in him.

"You\'re a good kid, Syryn."

The alchemist frowned. Magnus always had a penchant for talking like he was an old man. It was a miracle that he didn\'t start his sentences with \'when I was your age.\'

"You better come home in one piece, Magnus. And if you ever require the services of a friendly demon, you know where to find me." Syryn could muscle his way into Magnus\' business but this was a personal vendetta. If the fire mage wanted Syryn\'s help, he would have asked already.

"It\'s a yes to both."

"So, when are you leaving?"


It was too soon for Syryn. "I\'m assuming you haven\'t yet told Lucien."

Dark half-lidded eyes straying to Lucien, Magnus made a frustrated sound. "How do I break it to him?"

Rowan and Lucien were wrapped up in an animated conversation. The redhead looked happy about something Rowan had said.

"Just give it to him straight. There\'s no sense in softening the blow since it doesn\'t change your leaving."

"He\'s a child."

"Of course he\'s a child. Children are resilient, Magnus. He\'ll forget all about you after a few months. And when he falls in love with some young mage, he will have someone else to cling to like a baby monkey."

The fire mage glared at Syryn. "Do you hate me, Syryn? Or is this your way of making sure I dont leave?"

The alchemist grinned at his annoyed friend. "You win some, you lose some."

Magnus had to accept that the bond he had with Lucien was on the chopping block. It was a necessary sacrifice for what he had to do. Lucien was unfinished business, a small pebble inside his shoe that would constantly remind him of what he had to return back for. Magnus wouldn\'t forgive himself if the prophecy came true during his absence and Lucien was taken away to the demonic kingdom.

"Don\'t let the prophecy come to pass, Syryn. Until I come back, protect Lucien."

In light of the things that Rowan had told him, Syryn wasn\'t sure where he stood. The ground beneath his feet was cracking just a little bit. "I have no power to resist the Emperor," he replied. "But, if he wants Lucien, he will have to go through me first. On second thoughts, I\'ll throw Rowan in front of me. I think he\'s good enough right now to put up a fight that might convince the emperor to retreat." Syryn had found a good bodyguard for Lucien.

"They\'re heading over." Magnus\' gaze drifted to the blond and redhead walking towards them. The hour of reckoning had come and the fire mage could no longer put off what had to be done.

"Luci, come with me," Magnus beckoned with a hand held out to the redhead. Crimson eyes regarded it suspiciously but he took the proffered hand and looked up into dark eyes.

Syryn waited with Rowan while Magnus broke his news to Lucien in their shared room. "Ro, I\'m changing plans. I\'ll need to stay here so unless you\'re willing to come to live with me, we can\'t spend any more time together for the next few days."

A faint frown marred Rowan\'s smooth forehead but he nodded. "For the moment, it is inconvenient for me to stay here. I\'ll take you up on the offer after I\'ve taken care of some things that require me to stay at the farm." Syryn was disappointed but they had no choice in the matter. After getting over his initial hesitation, the alchemist had been looking forward to seeing Rowan in a domestic setting.

In another room, Lucien\'s bottom lip trembled. Magnus was leaving. The fire mage hugged him but it only made him feel worse. Luci\'s shoulders gave a small shiver and it wasn\'t from the cold. Inside their mindscape, Red fumed. He wanted to let loose and throw a fit but he had to be mature about this. Magnus had his reasons for leaving and Red had to suck it up. He had to set aside the fury that was brewing in him.

[Luci, he said he\'s coming back after a few years. It\'s not forever.]

(It\'s forever to me, Red. Anything more than a month is forever.)

[You have a distorted sense of time. Look, he feels just as bad about leaving.]

(So why won\'t he stay?)

[I\'m sorry Luci. Adults have priorities and sometimes they get in the way of life.]

"Why do you have to leave, Magnus?" Luci\'s voice shook. "Can\'t you take me with you?" He felt the warmth from Magnus seep through his cold skin. It would be the last time he would ever feel the fire mage hold him. The thought of it was what broke Lucien\'s hold on his tears.

"I can\'t take you with me, Luci. You have to be good and wait for me." Magnus looked into damp wet eyes. "There\'s someone I love, and I have to save her from some people who want to hurt her."

[Ask him who it is.]

Luci hung his head and watched the droplets of tears fall on the floor. Smaller trembles wracked his shoulders as the tears came faster. He couldn\'t look at the fire mage, couldn\'t speak. Lucien flung aside the hands that reached out to him. Turning on his heels, the redhead ran out of the room like he was being chased by hounds.

"Lucien, wait!" Magnus was rooted to the spot, his hand stretched out in futility.

The redhead sprinted past Syryn and Rowan. He ran to the garden and hid under tall, lanky stalks of flowers that swayed slowly in the cool breeze.

Sitting on the dirt, Lucien hugged his knees and cried his heart out. Everyone was planning to leave him. Magnus was leaving soon, Red was leaving sometime in the future, and maybe Syryn too would leave.

[Luci, Magnus will return. You\'re crying as if he\'s never coming back.]

Luci was sobbing so hard that he couldn\'t form coherent thoughts for Red. From the broken words that got through their mental link, Red understood Luci\'s worries.

[Yes I know, Luci. I know that nothing is guaranteed. But Magnus is strong and he won\'t easily get hurt. Have more faith in him.]

"Luci, where are you?" Syryn called out from somewhere close but still far enough that he couldn\'t see the redhead.

(Do you think we\'ll really get caught by Traxdart?) Luci calmed down enough to ask. He was as quiet as a mouse in a field.

[I dont know. I only know that we have to resist with all our power.]

(Why? What\'s so bad about him?) A soft sniffle alerted Syryn to Lucien\'s hiding spot.

[Trust me, Luci, he\'s bad. You\'ll never be happy with him.] Red had seen the absolute worst parts of Traxdart. After his many years of living every day without fear of being tortured or maimed, Red wasn\'t willing to go back to that world.

(If you say so, Red.)

Syryn had found him. The older boy sat beside the redhead, his actions causing a few flower stalks to break and bend.

"Lucien, do you want to leave with Magnus? I can track him if you want me to."

The redhead turned to Syryn with wide eyes. "You- how?"

Not even a little bit guilty about what he\'d done, Syryn replied, "I\'ve been treating all of you for several years now. You think I didn\'t find time to steal some blood and hair samples?"

[Why am I not surprised?]

Lucien\'s eyes were alight for a moment but it dimmed again. "I won\'t leave you, Syryn. I want to follow Magnus but just as he has a duty to someone else, I have mine beside you as your brother."

Syryn was stunned by Lucien\'s declaration.

"Thank you, Syryn. Your tracking spell won\'t be necessary." Lucien wiped his tears away on a damp sleeve. "I\'m done crying. Let\'s go back, brother."

The little boy whom he had rescued from the caravan had grown up. Lucien\'s maturity was shining through this adversity. He could have kept crying and taken the easy way out by accepting Syryn\'s offer. Instead, he had surprised Syryn with a show of loyalty that reinforced the trust that the alchemist had in Lucien.

"Let\'s go back then, Luci. Magnus is really sad and I think he needs you to tell him that it\'s alright to leave."

A fresh round of tears threatened to spill but Lucien pressed his lips together and nodded furiously.


Magnus was standing beside Rowan when the brothers came walking back, hand in hand. Seeing them together like that, Rowan felt his mood shift. His heart hurt for the boys as they would be torn apart by the fate that had been decided for them. 

"Magnus, I\'m sorry for running away like that." Lucien stood with his back straight and looked up at the fire mage with renewed determination to do the right thing. "I wish you the very best and I hope that you don\'t forget the people who will be waiting here for your safe return. I won\'t go anywhere till you come back."

The fire mage swallowed past the lump in his throat. The fear of losing Lucien to the prophecy was so terrible in his mind, it even overshadowed his anxiety about never finding his father. Lucien\'s crimson eyes were unblinking, waiting for him to respond.

"I\'ll come back to you, Lucien, if you\'ll wait for me." Magnus had no idea that Lucien had inscribed the words in his mind and in a different light than what the fire mage had intended. Lucien was young. He didn\'t know what it meant to fall in love. All he knew was that he wanted to always have Magnus by his side, forever, till the end of time. Even if he had to wait till his hair turned grey, Lucien was willing.

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